Toast Plus
Papadopoulou Toast Plus! The extra something in the toast bread! Papadopoulou Toast Plus is the only bread for toast with calcium, iron, folic acid & vitamin D that came to make the favorite daily habit of toast more beneficial, as it contributes to the intake of the necessary elements for the body in the context of a balanced diet.
Did you know that a large part of the population of all ages in our country does not take in the necessary daily amounts of vitamins and minerals?
And yet this was shown by the Panhellenic Nutrition & Health Study (PA.ME.DY.) carried out by the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, of the Agricultural University of Athens.
The Pan-Hellenic Diet and Health Study (PA.ME.DY.) is one of the largest nutrition studies that have been carried out in Greece, with the main objective of assessing the eating habits, lifestyle and their relationship with chronic diseases of the Greek population population.
Now so simple and tasty, we can offer even more value to our daily diet!